December 20, 2010
by Henry Kurkowski | 0 COMMENTS
Facebook has hit the 200 Million mark on its mobile app. That means that 200 Million people are using their phones to keep in touch, socialize with their friends and gather info via Facebook. You may ask yourself Why should I care about Facebooks usage stats? The answer is: You should care about how consumers view and gather information if you intend on reaching them. But I suppose that this should only be a concern if you plan on having these mobile users as your customers.
filed under Social Media Marketing
December 2, 2010
by Oliver Kent | 0 COMMENTS
There are four main components that absolutely should be part of your business success strategy for 2011. I will be writing a four part series on these pillars that will not only help hold up your business during lean times, but will help expand it as well. Read on for the first installment: Pillar I- Location.
filed under Build Online Traffic